ما هو موضوع الورشةالعلاج بالدراما هو الاستخدام المتعمد للدراما و / أو العمليات المسرحية لتحقيق العلاج
الأهداف. فهو يجمع بين أهداف وتقنيات الدراما / المسرح مع أساليب العلاج النفسي السماح بدور فعال في شفاء الذات في بيئة آمنة |
ما هو النهجيستخدم العلاج بالدراما اللعب والقصص ولعب الأدوار والأداء والفنون الإبداعية الأخرى لخلق سلوكيات جديدة ومعاني جديدة وخيارات جديدة للمشاركين. يمكن تحقيق تغيير السلوك وبناء المهارات وتخفيف التوتر والنمو الشخصي من خلال العلاج بالدراما.
ما هو الهدف من ورشة العمل تعميق معرفتهم بأنفسهم
تحديد التغيير المطلوب ، واتخاذ الخطوات (باستخدام العمليات الإبداعية) نحو دمج التغيير توسيع ذخيرة أدوارهم الداخلية وممارسة أدوار جديدة وسلوكيات مرغوبة في |
About Zeina Dacache |
Zeina Daccache, is a Lebanese actress, director and drama therapist (studies at St-Joseph University Beirut, Ecole Philippe Gaulier- London and KSU in USA). She works for TV as actress, and is drama therapist working in different social sectors and has directed the wining award film 12 Angry Lebanese.
She is the founder and director of Catharsis-Lebanese Center for Drama Therapy, and she directed in 2009 12 Angry Lebanese- the play performed by the inmates in Roumieh Prison (Lebanon) and in 2012 the play Scheherazade in Baabda performed by the women inmates from Baabda Prison. And in 2013 she directed the play From the bottom of my brain with the residents of Al Fanar psychiatric hospital (http://whoisshe.lau.edu.lb/expert-profile/zeina-daccache) In 2009, she directed the famous film 12 Angry Lebanese – the documentary based on the project 12 Angry Lebanese. In 2013, she directed Scheherazade’s Diary. Filmography It has been screened in around 63 countries and won the following prizes: • First Prize for Best Documentary (the Muhr Arab Award) & the People’s Choice Award at the 6th Annual Dubai International Film Festival 2009- Dubai, United Arab Emirates. • First Prize (Audience Award) at the 3rd edition of Dox Box International Documentary Film Festival 2010- Damascus, Syria. • Noor Award at the 14th Annual Arab Film Festival (San Francisco-Los Angeles) for Outstanding Documentary, 2010 • First Prize (Audience Award) at Festival du Film de Compiegne France, 2010 • First Prize at Sguardi Altrove film festival, Italy ,2011 • Trophy at Nuit des Mabrouks, Fondation Liban Cinema, Lebanon, Sept 2011 - She has produced and directed the film Any about women residing in South Lebanon after the July war 2006. |