ABOUTThe Beirut Summer School winter program is directed towards the Beirut Summer School alumni based in Lebanon.
It is made of three different programs: Directing, Performing Training, Technical and Theater Management Internship. |
CONDITIONS TO APPLY1. You need to be an alumni of the Beirut Summer School.
2. An alumni is an individual who participated in one of the previous summer school program (2021 - 2022 - 2023) and particpated till the end of the program. 3. You need to be based in Lebanon |
CAN YOU APPLY TO MORE THAN ONE PROGRAMInterested individuals can apply to more than one program. However, a participant can be accepted in only one program.
01 |
DIRECTING PROGRAM- Provide an artistic advisor
- Produce your play - Provide a rehearsal space - Provide a performing space - Provide Technicians during the get in days - Contribute with a fee for you and your performers - Adapt your play for touring outside Beirut |
02 |
PERFORMING TRAINING- Participate in ARAF 2 to 3 weeks training program in Tunisia
- Cover your flight and visa costs to Tunisia - Cover Accommodation in Tunisia - Offer a per diem and transportation contribution |
03 |
TECHNICAL AND MANAGEMENT INTERNSHIP- Provide a 3 months internship in Monnot Theater
- Work closely with professional technicians as they build set light sound for theater plays - Work closely with theater Management to better understand the tasks of running a theater |