ما هو موضوع الورشة |
اكتشاف عالم قد يتكلم فيه الصمت بصوت أعلى من الكلمات
ما هو النهج |
بوضع الجسد في مركز العمل ، ستدعو الجلسات المشاركين إلى زيارة عوالمهم الداخلية ، والتواصل مع شريك و / أو جمهور ، والعلاقة بالمساحة ، وإحياء الإبداع وعالم الاحتمالات اللانهائية
ما هو الهدف من ورشة العمل |
وعي الجسد والفضاء
ترجمة مفاهيم الحركة إلى الجسد التعرف على نظريات وممارسات التمثيل الايمائي إنشاء منفرد |
About Marielise Aad |
What most people don’t know about Marielise is that in addition to her being an actress, a puppeteer, a clown doctor, a seasoned percussionist, Hammana Artist House executive director and a mime teacher at the Lebanese University Institute of fine arts, she is also a hedgehog lover and an admirer of the underwater worlds.
She graduated in 2018 from USJ - IESAV with a master degree in theater research and in 2006 from the Lebanese University - National Institute of Fine Arts with a degree in acting and directing. She owes her multi-disciplinarily and versatility as an artist to an extensive journey with many established artists such as Aida Sabra, Armand Volkas, Ben Rivers, Berge Vazilian, Camille Salameh, Catherine Germain, Catherine Vernerie, Dany Boustany, Eric Deniaud, François Cervantes, Georges Khabbaz, Hanane El Hajj Ali, Issam Bou Khaled, Jade Balaben, Karim Dakroub, Lazar Pavlov, Lucia Carbone, Maria Muños, Merlin Borg, Nehme Nehme, Pep Ramis, Rafat Alzakout, Roger Assaf, Sahar Assaf, Sally Bailey, Samir Habché, Walid Dakroub and Zeina Daccache. She passionately uses arts as a tool to empower women, men and kids, young artists and amateurs. She has worked in different settings among which prisons, oncology departments in hospitals, orphanages, psychiatric hospital, refugee camps, and others. She believes that arts can be a wonderful but delicate tool that promotes dialogue and questions stereotypes, that art can lead to the process of personal and communitarian change. She contributed to the work of many associations and structures such as the Abaad, Arcenciel, AUB Theater Initiative, Caritas, Catharsis-LCDT, ClownMeIn, Collectif Kahraba, Collectif Subito Presto, Ettijahat- Independent Culture, Himaya, Ibtissama “Smile” Foundation, Lebanese Puppet Theater/ Khayal Association, The Islamic Welfare orphanage, Seenaryo, Walkabout Drum Circle. Her journey with Collectif Kahraba started as a big fan of the company’s creations, she then joined the adventure as a performer in Nehna wel Amar wel Jiran festival 2012 then on the company’s creations “Landscapes of our Tears” & “Cabaret Migrants”. In 2017, she joined the founding team of Hammana Artist House team as a core member. Today, she is the executive director of the cultural house and she enjoys being at the service of the global picture of the cultural scene, a supporter for the artists, and a catalyst of change. She enjoys reinventing hope in the future and taking all the means to concretize that in action, while continuing to pursue her engagement as a performer. Her latest creation is Vol Terre, a clown, a wanderer, searching for love. |